Friday, September 27, 2013

Saved the Best for Last- Day 6

Today is our last day of vacation. We finally have this beach thing down! I now know, that after having to "hoof-it" all week because our van was flooded in, we should NOT walk to Bean Point, at the very northern edge of the island, first thing in the morning! It's super "shelley/crunchy sand...ouch" and long, but...Taylor and I found some whole sand dollars and we got to see what everyone talks about at Bean Point.  When we got back to our beach spot, we set up the canopy, aka camp, and just stayed all day.  We swam out deep and floated on the now gentle, rolling waves.  Billy found two crabs and a live sand dollar with his "pinch-toe" feet in the deep water. We were literally swimming alongside families of stingrays, and could see dolphins in the distance too! We just relaxed and really got to enjoy this beach time.

she found it!

Blake caught a flounder!

our monster falcon kite!

it sure took off...looks real and a mile high!

our camp!

best spot ever!

THIS is the day we have been waiting for! Our outlook has completely changed, instead of focusing on the part of the vacation that was flooded out, we are focused on how awesome it was to be together and "get" to experience all of this! We have truly laughed to hard, we cried. We have taken time to just chat as we walked, looking at the ocean, sky and collecting tiny masterpieces of shells. We shared the excitement of each new thing we experienced. YES, we were flooded in - at a beautiful 5 star style beach house. YES, storms continually rolled in - from the ocean that we saw a 360 degree view of. As you can tell, I am realizing how ridiculous it was to whine about the first half of the trip. I am sitting alongside the beach, as the sun is beginning to set, watching Billy fish, the kids splash and scream with delight as the waves roll in, writing this, feeling especially blessed.

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