Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sunday- Expecting No Less

It was wonderful to have our first full day here a "stay at the beach & do nothing" type of day. We swam, gloated, jumped waves, and found critters to our hearts content! We got our beach camp set up for the week, before the stairs to the townhouse broke loose. Things like this just happen...upkeep with the beach conditions must be horrific, just wish it didn't happen to us during our vacation. The owner had her maintenance man come to rig them for now and fix properly tomorrow, so its all good. We spent most of the day just playing in the water, til a storm blew up super fast! Billy and I broke down camp, then we made a run for it, and just in the nick of time...the storm was pretty fierce. As we were under our covered outdoor patio, a wind tunnel formed through it, blowing EVERYTHING, including the furniture, up against our van! We ran inside, as stuff blew out and across the road. It's a good thing that Billy believes in "safety first", because otherwise I would have been out there rescuing stuff, and getting pelted with sand and debris! The main part of the storm ended pretty quick, we went down and found our blown-away stuff, then regrouped. After being completely flooded on our 1st beach vacation, this is nothing!

I made good use of the indoor time and finally unpacked our!  Then we prepared an amazing ribeye dinner, and enjoyed finding cool shapes in the clouds at sunset together. Yes...negative things will happen but we refuse to let them get to us.


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